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Surgery to Treat Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Many dogs love being able to run and play. Unfortunately, some may experience conditions impacting their ability to move. Here, our vets in Medford discuss dog hip dysplasia surgery, including the cost and what to expect.

What is hip dysplasia in dogs?

Your pup’s hip joints are a natural ball and socket system that should function smoothly together. If your dog suffers from hip dysplasia, the ball and socket fail to develop or function as they should. Instead of working together smoothly, the two parts grind and rub together, leading to a gradual breakdown and eventual loss of normal function. As you can imagine, this condition is painful and, if not treated, can drastically reduce your dog's quality of life.

What causes hip dysplasia in dogs?

Canine hip dysplasia is generally hereditary, and genetics is the leading contributor to the development of the condition in dogs, especially in larger breeds. Hip dysplasia in dogs typically continues to become worse with age and will often affect both hips (bilateral). This condition's pain and other symptoms may be exacerbated by osteoarthritis in older dogs.

Though the condition is inherited, some factors can amplify the genetic predisposition to the condition and increase the risk that it will develop, such as improper weight and nutrition, excessive growth rate and types of exercise. Obesity can aggravate a pre-existing condition or even be a contributing factor in the development of hip dysplasia due to abnormal stress put on the joints by excess weight.

What are the symptoms experienced by dogs with hip dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia typically begins to develop in puppies under a year old, but does not become apparent until the dog reaches their middle to senior years. If you are concerned that your pup may be feeling the pain of hip dysplasia, watch for the following signs:

  • Decreased activity
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Difficulty or reluctance rising, jumping, running, or climbing stairs
  • Lameness in the hind end
  • Swaying gait
  • Grating in the joint during movement
  • Loss of thigh muscle mass
  • Noticeable enlargement of the shoulder muscles
  • Pain
  • Stiffness or limping

How is hip dysplasia diagnosed in dogs?

Even during routine annual examinations, your veterinarian will check your dog for signs of hip dysplasia by moving your pup’s hind legs to help detect any grinding, painful sensations or reduced range of motion in the joint. If your vet suspects your pet could have hip dysplasia, they may recommend blood tests to check for signs of inflammation.

Your vet may also request that you provide a health history of your pup, including a detailed list of symptoms and any injuries that may have caused them. Knowing your pet’s lineage can also be helpful in diagnosing hip dysplasia.

If hip dysplasia is suspected, X-rays may be recommended to determine the severity of the condition and to help chart a course of action for treatment.

Can a dog live a normal life with hip dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia in dogs causes significant pain and reduces their ability to move normally. When left untreated, this condition can drastically decrease their quality of life.

Can hip dysplasia be cured in dogs?

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for hip dysplasia in dogs. However, treatment options are available designed to relieve pain and prevent further damage. In addition to surgical options, your vet may recommend a healthy diet and exercise routine.

How is hip dysplasia in dogs treated?

Treatment for hip dysplasia in dogs can range from dietary changes to surgical procedures. Not all dogs are fit for surgery. In these cases, the veterinary surgeon may opt for treatments that include:

  • Weight reduction to take the stress off of the hips
  • Exercise restriction, especially on hard surfaces
  • Physical therapy
  • Joint supplements
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Joint fluid modifiers

Hip Dysplasia Surgery for Dogs

If your dog is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, surgery may be recommended. The most commonly performed hip dysplasia surgeries are:

  • Double or triple pelvic osteotomy (DPO/TPO)
  • Femoral head ostectomy (FHO)
  • Total hip replacement (THR)

Dog Hip Dysplasia Surgery: Recovery

Your dog's movement will need to be severely restricted for about a month following surgery. This will mean crate rest when you cannot supervise your dog's activities and only short, on-leash bathroom breaks outdoors. As much as possible, stairs and slippery floors should be avoided, but if your pet must climb stairs, keep them on a leash to keep them moving slowly and carefully.

No running, jumping or playing is permitted for the first two months after your dog's hip replacement surgery. However, depending on how your dog is healing, your vet may allow you to take your dog for short on-leash walks during the second month.

Although these restrictions can seem harsh, it's important to remember that following your vet's instructions and severely restricting your dog's activities for two months can help your dog heal well so that they can return to a joyful, active, pain-free life once recovery is complete.

How much does surgery cost for hip dysplasia in dogs?

When it comes to hip dysplasia in dogs, the surgery cost depends on factors like their size, age, and severity of the problem. The overall cost of dog hip dysplasia surgery will include pre-surgical bloodwork, the procedure, anesthesia, post-surgical care, and medication. 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your dog having a difficult time moving around? Contact our vets in Medford about how your dog may benefit from veterinary surgery for hip dysplasia in Medford.

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